Well, the Philly Boys did it again... and those of us who love our Eagles are happy. People from my church family even asked on Monday if I was done celebrating yet!
The President of the USA is working to safeguard our national borders and deter violence, restore balance and a degree of social order. Make America Great is in its 3rd week and many people are happy.
Make America Healthy Again is working and already changing food standards to safeguard the people.... and many are happy with that.
The change at the Pentagon has renewed the mission of our military, and the US Army is at record recruitment levels. Somebody is obviously happy.
We are halfway through a cold, dark winter with little snow but lots of gray skies... so many of us are happy as we look forward to Spring.
Valentine's Day is on the calendar for Friday so there are the romantics out there prepping for a date... and appear to be happy about it.
What about you?
Are you happy?
Before you answer that -- think about this: What really makes you happy?
I like Choc Zero chocolate, hot Warpath coffee, Artillery Tea, ribeye steaks, Chloe Perfume, my dogs and ducks, my job/calling and most of all, my husband.
Of course there are lots of other things that make me happy -- the greatest of all is knowing that I am a child of the Almighty, Always Present, All-Knowing Father God.
When life is not happy: sickness, being in pain, living with a wheelchair, being housebound in rough weather, the loss of a dear pet, distance from my ailing Mom or missing my Dad --- I can run to my Father and tell Him what hurts. He kisses me and holds me close and tells me that it is going to be O.K.
He gives me strength.
He offers comfort.
He provides what I require to do His work.
He sends people into my life to accomplish the mission.
He promises me a great retirement.
He sees all the effort, the fight, the toll and the potential... and shows me a better way.
He never abandons me -- even in His silence.
He loves me.
I could give you lots of scriptures from the Bible to prove these things, but you would be better off to look them up for yourself. It's a good exercise to seek Him in His Word and listen to His Spirit guide you into HIs best for you!
Valentines Day is a made-up day for parting you from your money. It makes you feel sad to be "alone" or without a love in your life. Don't believe the hype to eat overpriced meals, buy expensive flowers or cards or candy or jewelry to prove your love. That stuff is temporary.
Look upward and inward: YOU are so valuable, so wanted, so loved --- by the Creator Himself. You are not alone, ever... and you only need to open your heart to accept what is freely and extravagantly offered: LOVE, pure and unadulterated. Perfect Love.
Then go to church -- the Bride of Christ -- to share that love. And to be included in the Love Feast of the Bridegroom.
It won't be long until He comes and kisses away the world's sorrows and you will know true happiness ----- no, wait, even better ----- TRUE JOY!
Hang in there, beloved....
Let me know what makes you happy, too!
Maranatha, y'all.
3 Comments on this post:
God's love,my husband's love, friendships. Yes there are foods that I enjoy. Knowing also that i belong to a loving church family & they're there for me when I need them.
Love the gathering of believers
Watching the birds coming to the feeder. Missing going to church. Will have to wait for next week .
"Nothing says, 'I love you' like a diamond from. . ." Marketing 'love' as opposed to 'love not the world'.