Jonah - what were you thinking?


Sunday - 10:30 AM Worship Service

by: Chaplain Cheryl Weber



Last Sunday I preached on Jonah. I love that book of the Bible.

I get Jonah. He wanted to be a prophet of God in his own nation, to his own people and from the comfort of home. I get it!

But when God told him to pack his bags for a 500 mile trip to a people that were enemies of Israel, and to go ALONE, well, I think Jonah wanted to retire. He boarded a boat in the opposite direction and things got interesting fast!

You can listen to the events and lessons on this site under the Message tab for 3.2.25 --- but the bottom line is that God wants us to be His children: loving, merciful, graceful, generous, truthful and obedient.

We are so blessed by our Heavenly Father. We are commanded to share the love of God with others who need to know His love and salvation. God loves the sinners of all colors, shapes, backgrounds, religions, political parties, afflictions, etc. He created us all for such a time as this. He does NOT approve of our sinful lives, choices or behaviors, but He loves us and works to woo us to His side. He uses other children who have already learned of His mercy & grace. Even though we continue to be works in progress.

How well are you serving?

Are you too busy? Too occupied? Too heavenly minded? Too angry? Too prideful? Too opinionated? Too judgmental? Too arrogant? Or just too lazy?

God prepared a storm, controlled the lots to point to Jonah, called a large fish, dumped Jonah off in town, grew a large plant overnight, called out a worm to kill the plant and stirred up a hot desert wind to teach Jonah, save a nation of souls and complete God's own mission in spite of all the reluctance and disobedience.

Imagine what God do for you to get a mission done?

Be prepared to travel light and count the miracles in the process.

Marantha, y'all!

He is coming back --- so stay ready! 

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Last Sunday I preached on Jonah. I love that book of the Bible.

I get Jonah. He wanted to be a prophet of God in his own nation, to his own people and from the comfort of home. I get it!

But when God told him to pack his bags for a 500 mile trip to a people that were enemies of Israel, and to go ALONE, well, I think Jonah wanted to retire. He boarded a boat in the opposite direction and things got interesting fast!

You can listen to the events and lessons on this site under the Message tab for 3.2.25 --- but the bottom line is that God wants us to be His children: loving, merciful, graceful, generous, truthful and obedient.

We are so blessed by our Heavenly Father. We are commanded to share the love of God with others who need to know His love and salvation. God loves the sinners of all colors, shapes, backgrounds, religions, political parties, afflictions, etc. He created us all for such a time as this. He does NOT approve of our sinful lives, choices or behaviors, but He loves us and works to woo us to His side. He uses other children who have already learned of His mercy & grace. Even though we continue to be works in progress.

How well are you serving?

Are you too busy? Too occupied? Too heavenly minded? Too angry? Too prideful? Too opinionated? Too judgmental? Too arrogant? Or just too lazy?

God prepared a storm, controlled the lots to point to Jonah, called a large fish, dumped Jonah off in town, grew a large plant overnight, called out a worm to kill the plant and stirred up a hot desert wind to teach Jonah, save a nation of souls and complete God's own mission in spite of all the reluctance and disobedience.

Imagine what God do for you to get a mission done?

Be prepared to travel light and count the miracles in the process.

Marantha, y'all!

He is coming back --- so stay ready! 

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