God is Good.


Sunday - 10:30 AM Worship Service

by: Chaplain Cheryl Weber



God is good... ALL the time!
This is what we say to one another to encourage each other when things are tough, uncomfortable, difficult or just plain hard.

Luke 18:19 says that only GOD is GOOD. That is true.

When life is painful... God is Good.

When the bills pile up... God is Good.

When people are mean... God is Good.

When evil seems to win... God is Good.

When we feel lost... God is Good.

When chaos is all around us... God is Good.

When we don't know what to do... God is Good.

God is GOOD... ALL the TIME.

When we make mistakes, God is good so we can turn to Him, repent and be forgiven. That is good.

When we are sick, injured or in pain, we can appeal to God for relief, comfort and healing. That is good.

When evil surrounds us, God says vengeance is mine and I will repay. That is good.

When we need His provision, we can ask for assistance. That is good.

When we are frustrated, not knowing what to do, we can ask for His wisdom, courage and strength. That is good.

We must learn to listen to the voice & word/Bible and then be obedient to Him. He is good and His plans for us are good. Even when we cannot see it. Even when we do not see how it can be for good. 

Sometimes we just need to trust God. We must get out of our own way. We need to humble ourselves to His will over our will. God is good to His people, to those who obey Him, to those who need Him and His good plans are to win the hearts of those who hate or disregard Him, too. He is GOODNESS itself. 

That means that hard times make us trust Him or turn from Him. We learn courage and perseverance as we stand our ground faithfully trusting in His fairness, righteousness and love. 

Like Job, we don't have all the answers. Sometimes (too often) we misread & misunderstand God. We doubt, fear, anxiously try to find our own path... and make a bigger mess of things.

Then a GOOD GOD comes to rescue us as we give up squirming and fussing. Like the children we are, like the Father He is, we are picked up into His loving arms and carried to a safer place to rest and be restored for the next move, next fight, next level and next phase of our lives. Because God IS Good.

Just a thought, y'all.

You are loved. Maranatha.

He'll be back. He promised. 

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God is good... ALL the time!
This is what we say to one another to encourage each other when things are tough, uncomfortable, difficult or just plain hard.

Luke 18:19 says that only GOD is GOOD. That is true.

When life is painful... God is Good.

When the bills pile up... God is Good.

When people are mean... God is Good.

When evil seems to win... God is Good.

When we feel lost... God is Good.

When chaos is all around us... God is Good.

When we don't know what to do... God is Good.

God is GOOD... ALL the TIME.

When we make mistakes, God is good so we can turn to Him, repent and be forgiven. That is good.

When we are sick, injured or in pain, we can appeal to God for relief, comfort and healing. That is good.

When evil surrounds us, God says vengeance is mine and I will repay. That is good.

When we need His provision, we can ask for assistance. That is good.

When we are frustrated, not knowing what to do, we can ask for His wisdom, courage and strength. That is good.

We must learn to listen to the voice & word/Bible and then be obedient to Him. He is good and His plans for us are good. Even when we cannot see it. Even when we do not see how it can be for good. 

Sometimes we just need to trust God. We must get out of our own way. We need to humble ourselves to His will over our will. God is good to His people, to those who obey Him, to those who need Him and His good plans are to win the hearts of those who hate or disregard Him, too. He is GOODNESS itself. 

That means that hard times make us trust Him or turn from Him. We learn courage and perseverance as we stand our ground faithfully trusting in His fairness, righteousness and love. 

Like Job, we don't have all the answers. Sometimes (too often) we misread & misunderstand God. We doubt, fear, anxiously try to find our own path... and make a bigger mess of things.

Then a GOOD GOD comes to rescue us as we give up squirming and fussing. Like the children we are, like the Father He is, we are picked up into His loving arms and carried to a safer place to rest and be restored for the next move, next fight, next level and next phase of our lives. Because God IS Good.

Just a thought, y'all.

You are loved. Maranatha.

He'll be back. He promised. 

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3 Comments on this post:

Yes, this life is not perfect. I always say if it was, it would be Heaven. But God dwells with us to see us through. And its how we respond that helps us build riches there!

God is with us even when we are going through rough times.
We must stay with Him when we want to quick. He will help you in his time


Reminds me be still & let God answer not yo rush & do my own thing

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