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Sunday - 10:30 AM Worship Service

by: Chaplain Cheryl Weber



Last week was like a hangover from 2024.

This week feels like we have gotten into the new year, 2025, in earnest.

Our church is growing, and new people require attention, while longer members still need attention, too. That causes a degree of stress.

So we need to keep in mind that we must be patient with leadership (like the pastor/chaplain) and each other. We all live with some degree of stress.

The world is in turmoil with wars, rumor of coming wars, environmental issues, catastrophic fires and other issues. Plus, we all have our own issues, right? That is stressful.

Jesus doesn't want us stressed out. He offers encouragement & refreshment.

Jesus has a plan. Nothing can change or alter His plan.

Jesus knows all about you & your issues, needs, and wants.

Jesus is with you ALWAYS and will never leave you, even as He tests our faith, uses trials to strengthen our resolve and spiritual strength.

Jesus uses the Church family/community to show His loving care, provision, direction, correction and more to a dark, hurting, confused and wandering people. 

YOU need the Church. We need YOU. You have been born at this time for the plans God has in place. You are like a cog in a machine: moving, turning, pulling your weight even as you must mesh with other's lives and help them to turn in the right direction. We need one another....

For encouragement --- inspiring others & giving them courage. 

For provision --- sharing what God has given us for assisting others in real need.

For sharing HOPE -- joyful expectation of good from God.

For LOVING --- we all require love, hope, a purpose and to be accepted.

What we do for the "least," we also do for our Messiah/Savior, Jesus - God in the flesh.

Let's remember who we are -- Disciples of Yeshua/Jesus.

Let's remember who we serve -- Yahweh the one true God.

Let's remember what we are here for -- to serve God by the direction of the Ruach Ha Kodesh/Holy Spirit.

You are loved. You are accepted. You live in the HOPE of Jesus. You have a mission/purpose. You will inherit a great & eternal reward. Don't stress over that.

So do not get tied up looking at events around you. You have no control over those things. But you DO have control over your response to them. Trust God!

Look up -- your redemption is drawing nigh (old English for "getting closer"!

Maranatha, Y'all --- Jesus will return. 

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Last week was like a hangover from 2024.

This week feels like we have gotten into the new year, 2025, in earnest.

Our church is growing, and new people require attention, while longer members still need attention, too. That causes a degree of stress.

So we need to keep in mind that we must be patient with leadership (like the pastor/chaplain) and each other. We all live with some degree of stress.

The world is in turmoil with wars, rumor of coming wars, environmental issues, catastrophic fires and other issues. Plus, we all have our own issues, right? That is stressful.

Jesus doesn't want us stressed out. He offers encouragement & refreshment.

Jesus has a plan. Nothing can change or alter His plan.

Jesus knows all about you & your issues, needs, and wants.

Jesus is with you ALWAYS and will never leave you, even as He tests our faith, uses trials to strengthen our resolve and spiritual strength.

Jesus uses the Church family/community to show His loving care, provision, direction, correction and more to a dark, hurting, confused and wandering people. 

YOU need the Church. We need YOU. You have been born at this time for the plans God has in place. You are like a cog in a machine: moving, turning, pulling your weight even as you must mesh with other's lives and help them to turn in the right direction. We need one another....

For encouragement --- inspiring others & giving them courage. 

For provision --- sharing what God has given us for assisting others in real need.

For sharing HOPE -- joyful expectation of good from God.

For LOVING --- we all require love, hope, a purpose and to be accepted.

What we do for the "least," we also do for our Messiah/Savior, Jesus - God in the flesh.

Let's remember who we are -- Disciples of Yeshua/Jesus.

Let's remember who we serve -- Yahweh the one true God.

Let's remember what we are here for -- to serve God by the direction of the Ruach Ha Kodesh/Holy Spirit.

You are loved. You are accepted. You live in the HOPE of Jesus. You have a mission/purpose. You will inherit a great & eternal reward. Don't stress over that.

So do not get tied up looking at events around you. You have no control over those things. But you DO have control over your response to them. Trust God!

Look up -- your redemption is drawing nigh (old English for "getting closer"!

Maranatha, Y'all --- Jesus will return. 

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